Read Data in Application

Read data in the application


There are two kinds of read data in ROQ BaaS: read data without filters and read data with filters.

Read data without filters

Fetching data without filters means retrieving all records from a particular dataset without constraints. In the ROQ's generated SDK, this can be done using methods that do not require arguments that specify filtering criteria.

For example, to retrieve all data from the review entity using BaaS API, we can use the findManyWithCount() method without arguments. In Next.js 13 or later, we can use the following code:

"use client"
import { roqBrowserClient } from "@/lib/roq/roq-client";
const fetchReviewCount = async () => {
    const reviewCount = await roqBrowserClient.review.findManyWithCount();
    return reviewCount;
fetchReviewCount().then((data) => {

Read data with filters

In this example, we demonstrate how to retrieve and count review data from BaaS using the ROQ SDK using filtering criteria.

For example, to retrieve all data from project in descending order of creation date, we can use the findManyWithCount() method with the orderBy filter. In Next.js 13 or later, we can use the following code:

"use client"
import { roqBrowserClient } from "@/lib/roq/roq-client";
const fetchProjectCount = async () =>{
    const projectCount = await roqBrowserClient.project.findManyWithCount({ orderBy: {
            created_at: 'desc'
    return projectCount
fetchReviewCount().then((data) => {

The important thing to note is that the code syntax for the data operation follows a Prisma-like pattern.

await roqBrowserClient.project.findManyWithCount()

The benefit of a Prisma-like pattern is easily understood due to its common format:


ROQ using JSON:API for REST APIs in BaaS, resulting in JSON-format response data. For instance, the data response from our earlier code in the browser console:

    "data": [
            "id": "7edd49af-4f44-4887-b80b-48e279999614",
            "name": "AI Chatbot",
            "description": "Develop a conversational AI chatbot designed to enhance customer service interactions, providing real-time responses and support.",
            "deadline": "2024-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
            "status": "open",
            "company_id": "22d80a45-0cf6-445d-a5db-f1091c6cb5d6",
            "created_at": "2023-11-11T14:28:12.654Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-11-11T14:28:12.654Z"
            "id": "8de54627-9f5b-497d-a697-f974c413357d",
            "name": "Refactor User Signup",
            "description": "Modernize the user registration process by integrating a new API to streamline user experience and improve system reliability.",
            "deadline": null,
            "status": "active",
            "company_id": "22d80a45-0cf6-445d-a5db-f1091c6cb5d6",
            "created_at": "2023-11-10T21:49:52.947Z",
            "updated_at": "2023-11-10T21:49:52.947Z"
    "count": 2

Read more about the Prisma-like pattern here and REST-API here.