User Registration
Social Sign-Ins

Social sign-ins


ROQ supports various social sign-ins like Google, Facebook, Github, and LinkedIn. Go to the ROQ Console and then select AuthenticationSocial to activate and configure them.

Social Sign-ins


ROQ Social Sign-in

In all social sign-ins, you need to set up these two credentials on the ROQ Console:

  • Client ID: Client ID for web application
  • Client Secret: Client Secret for web application

These credentials are used to authenticate user login or signup with the social sign-in provider.

Google OAuth


You must follow this guide (opens in a new tab) first to set up OAuth 2.0 and then continue with the guide below.

In the Google OAuth setting page, you need to set these two mandatory fields:

Authorized Redirect URIs

This URI setting is used to redirect users after they have authenticated with Google. Fill this with Auth Redirect URI from the ROQ Social Sign-in page.

Authorized JavaScript Origins

The HTTP origins that host your web application. This value can't contain wildcards or paths. The value must be the authentication hostname of the environment:


That is:

The settings for both options are displayed in the screenshot below.


Once activated, Google Sign-in can be used as a registration or login option. The next step is to add this Google Sign-in to the registration form.

How to Add Social Sign-in

To add Google Sign-In to the login or registration form variants, you should enable it in the Social Sign-in options. Go here for more information about customize the registration form.